Residence in Turkey: types and conditions for obtaining it

Residence in Turkey: types and conditions for obtaining it

Residing in Turkey has become the focus of attention of many people in recent years for tourism, education, business or investment purposes. Turkey offers various types of residence to foreigners, making it an ideal destination for living and investing. In this article, we will talk about **types of residence in Turkey**, **conditions for obtaining residence** and the advantages that residence offers to foreigners.

1. **Types of residence in Turkey**

Turkey offers various accommodation options to suit the different needs of foreigners:

– **Tourist residence**: Granted to foreigners who want to stay for a long time for tourism or to explore Turkey. It usually has a one-year period and can be renewed.

– **Study dormitory**: Granted to foreign students studying at Turkish universities. In order for the student to apply for this residence, he/she must submit a university acceptance from a Turkish university.

– **Family Residence**: Granted to foreigners who have relatives who are Turkish citizens or permanent residents in Turkey.

– **Working Residence**: Granted to foreign nationals who have obtained a work permit from a Turkish company.

– **Real Estate Residence**: Granted to foreigners who purchase property in Turkey. This residence is an ideal choice for real estate investors.

– **Humanitarian Residence**: Granted to individuals who need temporary protection for humanitarian reasons.

2. **Conditions for obtaining residence in Turkey**

In order to obtain **Residency in Turkey**, certain general conditions must be met, which vary depending on the type of residence required. Here are some basic conditions:

– **Valid Passport**: You must have a passport valid for at least 6 months.

– **Health Insurance**: Those applying for residence must present health insurance covering the duration of their stay.
– **Place of Residence**: A rental agreement or property ownership document showing the place of residence in Turkey must be presented.
– **Additional documents**: Depending on the type of residence required, these may include marriage certificates, university admissions or employment contracts.

3. **Advantages of living in Turkey**

– **Freedom of movement**: Residence allows foreigners to move around Turkey easily and without restrictions.

– **Investment and Real Estate**: Turkish residents can legally purchase real estate and invest in Turkey.

– **Education**: Residents can attend Turkish schools and universities.

– **Job opportunities**: Some types of residence allow the opportunity to work in Turkey after obtaining the appropriate permit.

4. **How ​​to apply for residence in Turkey**

– **Online application**: Residence applications are made through the Immigration Administration’s website (Migration Administration).

– **Personal interview**: After submitting the application, you must attend a personal interview at the Immigration Office.
– **Receiving the residence permit**: After the application is approved, the residence card is sent to the registered address.


Residing in Turkey offers many opportunities for foreigners to settle, invest or work. The variety of accommodation types and available conditions make Turkey a favorite destination for many people around the world. If you are planning to move to Turkey, understanding the **residence permit types** and **receiving conditions** is the first step to achieving your goal.